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Identity Services, Print Media, Electronic media, Communications strategy and message formation, Social, environmental and humanitarian projects
Identity Services, Print Media, Internet Media, Online News Services, Custom Services
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...more What we've been up to lately

We found many matches (>one hundred twenty-eight!). You might try limiting your search more, or using the search engine.

Logo - Swiss Society for Infectiology

Logo - Swiss Society for Infectiology

April 2000
When the Swiss Society for Infectiology (SSI) needed a new logo, they came to MCART. More
Government Website - Stop-Tabac

Government Website - Stop-Tabac

Kicking the smoking habit Swiss style
October 1999
En Suisse, la campagne "stop-tabac. More
Identity - ICVolunteers

Identity - ICVolunteers

October 1999
Our complete identity for ICV to date includes logo, font, slogan, Internet, press releases, newsletter, presentation materials and badges, and more. More
Identity - Stop-Tabac

Identity - Stop-Tabac

August 1999
A website redesign, three brochures, three fact sheets and two journals address the needs of participants in a study developed to research the risks linked to tobacco. More
Identity - SRBA

Identity - SRBA

Many services for the Swiss-Russian Business Association
April 1999
Notre site web créé pour le "Swiss-Russian Business Association" comprend de nombreux services spéciaux: des bannières publicitaires avec des statistiques sur le nombre de visites, un service de nouvelles on-line, des recommandations pour membres, etc. More
Logo - Stop-Tabac

Logo - Stop-Tabac

January 1999
A new logo. More
Book Design - My Own Way

Book Design - My Own Way

December 1998
"My Own Way" is a book that celebrates the life of an extraordinary woman, including extracts from diaries. More
Online News -

Online News - "aids98.ch" The 12th World AIDS Conference

November 1998
Le journal électronique du 12e Congrès mondial du SIDA fait partie d'un ensemble de services élaborés pour cette conférence. More
Catalog - Univers Trade Diyawa et Cie

Catalog - Univers Trade Diyawa et Cie

Water, water everywhere
October 1998
Nous avons créé une brochure et des documents de présentation pour Univers Trade Diyawa et Cie. More
Tese's Digital Photo Retouching

Tese's Digital Photo Retouching

May 1998
Nous faisons beaucoup d'adaptation d'/images. More
Logo - Swiss-Russian Business Association

Logo - Swiss-Russian Business Association

Part of a full Corporate Identity for the Swiss-Russian Business Association
January 1998
The Swiss-Russian Business Association sought a firm and trustable identity. More
Logo - Concerto

Logo - Concerto

December 1997
La première étape de ce projet était de trouver un nom adéquant pour ce nouveau projet de la Fondation du Présent (FdP). More
Logo - Internetco

Logo - Internetco

January 1997
Logo More
Logo - 12th World AIDS Conference

Logo - 12th World AIDS Conference

January 1997
Logo for the 12th World AIDS Conference, which drew more than 14,000 participants to Geneva, Switzerland to discuss the latest progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS. More
Brochure - NAAMPIII

Brochure - NAAMPIII

Design - Brochures
September 1996
As the first scientific conference ever held entirely on the Internet, NAAMP III attracted media attention internationally for enabling researchers to synchronize projects, publish and comment directly with the authors. More


September 1996
The NAAMPIII represented the first scientific meeting ever held on the World Wide Web. More
Illustration - Dicamptodon ensatus, the Pacific giant salamander

Illustration - Dicamptodon ensatus, the Pacific giant salamander

Illustration by Randy Schmieder
August 1994
Lurking in native California redwood habitat, the larvae await metamorphosis. More
Illustration - Illustrating Insects

Illustration - Illustrating Insects

Illustration by Randy Schmieder
August 1994
The University of California Science Illustration Certificate Program affords students an opportunity to learn both traditional and digital techniques used by scientific illustrators, and to prepare for careers in science illustration and related fields. More
Illustration -

Illustration - "Life on the Edge"

A Guide to California's Endangered Natural Resources
May 1994
I was the primary staff illustrator for Life on the Edge. More
Illustration - Batrachoseps aridus, the desert slender salamander

Illustration - Batrachoseps aridus, the desert slender salamander

Illustration by Randy Schmieder
May 1994
Like most plethodontids, the lungless B. More

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