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Online News - ngoCHR: A News Service for the UN Commission on Human Rights

March 2002
Online News - ngoCHR: A News Service for the UN Commission on Human Rights
ngoCHR.org directly involves volunteers in carrying results around the world.

ngoCHR is based on Conference Reports, a cross-sector partnership started in 2000 that directly involves volunteers in carrying results around the world.

ngoCHR.org is a service made possible through the contributions of CONGO (Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations), International Communications Volunteers (ICVolunteers) and the MCART Group (MCART).

The purpose of this site is to serve as a news and information source for civil society organizations interested in the work of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Rather than an exhaustive library, ngoCHR.org is intended to provide an open platform for news and perspectives particularly relevant to civil society.

Congo ICVolunteers MCART group


The Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations is an independent, international, not-for-profit membership association of nongovernmental organizations that facilitates the participation of NGOs in United Nations debates and decisions. CONGO is most active in the major UN centers of New York, Geneva, and Vienna, but extends its work to all regions of the world.

Visit: www.ngocongo.org


International Communications Volunteers (ICVolunteers) is a non-governmental organization that connects volunteers and organizers of non-profit projects, in particular social, humanitarian, environmental and scientific conferences. ICVolunteers has a network of about 1,500 volunteers, half of whom are based in Geneva, Switzerland, the other half all over the world. The NGO promotes volunteerism and its recognition.

Visit: www.icvolunteers.org


The MCART Association is a non-profit organization that exists to develop projects which enhance the sharing of information and good practices, both locally and globally. MCART works with projects and conferences of a social, humanitarian scientific and environmental nature to help them communicate their results in a way they can afford. MCART has developed news services for groups since the 1998 World AIDS Conference.

Visit: www.mcart.info

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